March is referred to College Basketball's month of "March Madness", but I experienced something a bit different last month....there was no "madness" about it really, but rather "magic" that filled the days of my March 2011...although I've been wanting to share my "Lunar Adventures in Hong Kong" with you for quite some time, I'm afraid those stories will have to yet again be postponed...the month of "March Magic" has just been too good to go very long without mentioning its exciting and spectacular events...
I had the opportunity to head back to Chicago last month for the American Choral Director's Association National Conference as part of my professional development allowance from SFS (which in and of itself was magical, amazing, and rejuvenating!). I arrived on Saturday, March 5th and while the conference didn't start until Wednesday, March 9th, I was able to enjoy a few days with friends and family before the long conference days took over later in the week.
The funny thing was, Amos Lyso (the Christian Ministries Coordinator here at SFS and my serious boyfriend at the time) also happened to be in Chicago for a conference of his own! While we were both still in Korea matching up our schedules, we noticed that Monday, March 7th was an available day to have dinner together, so I made reservations for the two of us at the Signature Room restaurant downtown Chicago atop the 95th floor of the John Hancock building. I received a confirmation email later that week about my reservation and also was asked if I'd like to add any "special sentiments" to my booking for a small additional fee (i.e. flowers, chocolates, champagne ready a waiting to drink, etc.) - I replied quickly and without hesitation: no thanks.
As an aside, Amos and I had already seriously discussed marriage and I knew he'd already placed an order for a ring via an online jewelery shop, so when I arrived into town on Saturday, my Mom had helped arrange for her, my Dad, and I to visit a few wedding reception halls on both Saturday and Sunday. By the time Monday rolled around and before we met for dinner, Amos came with my Mom, sister Melanie and I to look at the "final two wedding hall options" so that we might make a decision together. Once we finally decided on the Meridian Banquets as our chosen hall, we quickly left to get ready for our dinner out on the town!
Once we arrived at the Signature room that Monday night, I should have realized something was soon as we sat down, our waiter commented on the lovely pink tulips that so prettily sat upon our table....."What are these doing here, Amos?" I questioned anxiously, "These flowers aren't supposed to be here! I know for a
fact that I didn't order these flowers to be placed on the table and if we don't find sooner rather than later who put these here, we're going to have to pay extra money!"
"Gee...I dunno, honey," Amos replied, "They sure are pretty tho, huh?"
"Well yea, sweetie!" I answered knowingly, "they're my favorite flower! But regardless, I don't wanna have to have us pay extra!"
"Don't worry about it, Allison - we'll figure it out and in the meantime, let's order something to drink".
We went on to place our order and while we waited for our food, I noticed Amos working up the words to engage us both in a "serious conversation". I was a bit puzzled by his fumbling and wondered why he seemed to desperate to share in such a serious talk rather than just enjoy our time together and gaze into each others eyes. Not that we've never had "serious conversations" or that I don't enjoy them, he just seemed to be awkwardly attempting to have one rather than letting it happen naturally. Regardless, he started to talk and as he talked, parts of me wondered where he was going with the mind drifted...."He couldn't be asking me....
no! Of course not! But maybe he's.....
no! Don't be silly, Poz!!!"
As he talked, he shared the following words with me. He'd written them out on a page he gave me later. I share with you now those words he both said to me and gave to me:
My sweet, sweet, Allison Joy,
I love you so - L.Y.SO.!!!! (I just love that you though of that clever acronym!) Never would I have believed that I would be sitting here with you now 95 stories above your home town. As we gaze out on the lights below - I am struck by the power of perspective. Down on street level, life is a flurry of activity. It is easy to get lost in the busyness, overwhelmed by distractions, and the immediacy of the urgent calls on our lives. Sometimes we just don't see how, in the midst of it all, there is a plan or purpose or certain future in which we can place our hope. But then, from up here, there comes a perspective of peace, beauty, and even order to it all. I imagine, in some way, that this is a bit of a glimpse at the difference between our eyes and God's.
I see this so clearly in my past, a life with its hopes and hurts, fantastic experiences and failures extraordinaire. So often I get lost in the street view of my life and miss the God story that He is weaving in and through all that is me. Little did I know, too, that at the same time He was working in me, He was at work in the life of a young woman across the ocean, rustling up in her the courage, hope, and mighty confidence in her God to take a giant leap of faith, to venture out away from all she has known and to risk an unfamiliar life in a foreign land across the sea. And little still could I see from my street view that He was bringing these two lives together to create a relationship, a friendship, and a love like neither one had experienced before.
So, in this moment of elevated perspective and peace, I am reminded that although I truly have no idea what "street view" experiences await us in our future, I have confidence and hope in our Lord and Savior that He will be there in the midst of us, that He has a greater plan and purpose in store for us both, individually, yes, but collectively as well. And so, Allison Joy, I have a question for you - a question rooted not in my own strength, but in my faith in Christ and the power of His Holy Spirit living in each of us: Alison Joy, will you spend your life loving me and letting me love you, will you be my lifelong companion, my best friend, and my bride? Allison Joy, will you marry me??? I of COURSE replied without hesitation and with a resounding "YES!!!"
We hugged, we kissed, we cried....and before we knew it, the whole restaurant was looking at us and shouting "congratulations" and clinking their wine glasses! Here we'd been engrossed in our own little world, only to realize others around us had been watching the whole time!!!! It truly was a magical moment and I was left speechless....the pictures below are of the engagement evening together, moments after the proposal....

The next morning, I took Amos to the airport to catch his flight back home to Korea. Afterward, I immediately went with my Mom and sister to give the down payment for the reception hall, called Our Saviour's (my home church) to confirm the wedding date for June 30, 2012, and then went wedding dress shopping.....
Melanie had suggested the dress shopping and both her and Mom were eager to have me try on gowns. Knowing the conference would be starting the next day and the fact I was already exhausted from all the excitement, I wasn't necessarily itching to go. I knew, however, that having the two of them would be wonderful, so we looked at a couple of different shops and before I knew it, I'd picked out a wedding dress that same day, too! We left the dress boutique feeling wonderful (and surprised!) that everything had fallen into place so quickly!!!
Later that night, my family and close girlfriends celebrated the news of my engagement with cake and champagne. Here is me with some of my friends that night, as well as a photo of the cake (and pink tulips form the restaurant) below:

Once I returned to Seoul the following week, Amos arranged for some of my friends at SFS to throw me another small engagement celebration! More cake, more friends, and more fun!

(the girls this time insisted I cut the cake while showing off my ring...haha!)

Upon my return to Korea from Chicago, Spring Break was on its way and after only four days in the classroom, me, Amos, and 6 other women journeyed to Tioman Island, Malaysia for one of the BEST Spring Breaks EVER!!! But more on that next time.....
Blessings to all of you and sending you love, my dear bloggers!