Back in the spring, my mom had the great idea to host a sort of "recital/reception", put on by both my younger sister and I, so as to have a final "send-off" before I set out on my journey to Korea, and my sister on her next step: graduate school :-)
With both of us being the musicians we are, it seemed like a great idea! What better way to give back to our family, friends, and community than to share our musical gifts? And so, after long weeks of practicing and gearing up for the event, it finally took place yesterday afternoon at one of our two church homes: Our Saviour's Lutheran Church.
We were so fortunate to have the lovely Beth Timm as our accompanist, and it worked out so that I sang a few pieces and my sister played a few things on both her violin and oboe!
We were overwhelmed with the number of people that came out to see us, support us, and wish us well on our new endeavors! It was SO wonderful to participate first, in a recital with Melanie and second, see all the friends, family, co-workers, etc. that were there to say good-bye! It still hasn't hit me yet that many of these people I won't be seeing for quite a long time....
The day truly was a wonderful celebration and there was no better place to have performed than in God's house ~ of all the blessings He's offered to us in our lives, it was a blessing to offer something back up to Him ;-)
Today has been quite the kick back into reality...ha! My mom has been a great helper and we've really been making headway on filling up the suitcases and the boxes! Check out some of the pics below from today's packing efforts:
Check out my bed! Piles of clothing everywhere! Yikes~

My line of suitcases - and look who thinks he's coming along to Korea with me!! My cat, Pilgrim, thought my middle suitcase made a restful sitting place ;-)
And last but not least, a quick video to show you all the "fun" that went down today!
Hope all are well and I'll keep you posted as the calendar turns.....;-) Blessings to all~